Stir fried Lily with Celery
2024-04-10 16:12:34 4436

Celery has effects such as calming the liver and lowering blood pressure, calming the mind, diuresis and reducing swelling, preventing and fighting cancer, nourishing blood and supplementing deficiency; Lily has a sweet and slightly cold nature, which belongs to the lungs and heart meridians. It can moisten the lungs, relieve cough, clear the heart, and calm the mind; Goji berries can tonify the kidneys and essence, nourish the liver and improve eyesight, nourish blood and calm the mind, and produce fluids and quench thirst. These three ingredients together play the role of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, making them a golden duo.
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Stir fried Lily with Celery
- 1. Wash celery.
- 2. Break the lily into small petals and wash it clean.
- 3. Remove the old tendons from one end of the celery.
- 4. Cut into small pieces for later use.
- 5. Bring the soup pot to a boil, blanch celery for 1 minute and drain.
- 6. Blanch the lilies for 2 minutes and drain.
- 7. Heat up a wok and stir fry celery and lilies.
- 8. Add the soaked goji berries, season and start cooking.