Carrot and egg filled dumplings
2024-04-05 21:41:28 464

Staining the outer two leaves of purple cabbage resulted in a very dark color.
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Carrot and egg filled dumplings
- 1. Mix the purple cabbage juice into a dark dough, then mix it with a white dough and wake up for 20 minutes.
- 2. Fry the eggs, add chopped carrots, and mix all the ingredients in the seasoning.
- 3. Roll the purple cabbage dough into long pieces, wrap it around the white dough, and pinch it tightly.
- 4. Cut into small pieces.
- 5. Wrap the filling.
- 6. Pack well.
- 7. Boil the water in boiling water for about 7 minutes.
- 8. Finished products.