Fennel dumplings
2024-04-04 18:41:19 608

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Steps to make Fennel dumplings
- 1. Raw material cleaning
- 2. Chop fennel into small pieces, mince scallions and ginger to prepare meat filling
- 3. Put Sichuan pepper into an oil pot and fry it over low heat to make Sichuan pepper oil
- 4. Add cooking wine to meat filling
- 5. Release and draw
- 6. Add Five Fragrance Powder
- 7. Add chopped scallions and ginger
- 8. Mix salt well and marinate it
- 9. Pour sesame oil and Sichuan pepper oil into fennel and mix well
- 10. Prepare flour
- 11. Hecheng dough
- 12. Pour the mixed fennel into the marinated meat filling
- 13. Mix well the dumpling filling
- 14. Take a piece of dough, knead it into long strips, and then cut it into tablets
- 15. Tablet flattening
- 16. Roll it into dumpling skin
- 17. Rolled out dumpling skin
- 18. Make dumplings
- 19. Dumpling group photo
- 20. Put the dumplings into a hot water pot and add three drops of cold water in the middle to cook the dumplings.