Can be used as both a vegetable and a staple food - Smiling Face Potato Cake
2024-04-05 13:38:52 102

Details of ingredients
Steps to make Can be used as both a vegetable and a staple food - Smiling Face Potato Cake
- 1. Peel two potatoes,
- 2. Use a shredder to pull the potatoes into thin threads. Before slicing, clean the potatoes thoroughly, and do not clean them again
- 3. Put a small amount of oil into a flat bottomed pan, spread the shredded potatoes flat in the pan, and sprinkle salt and chicken essence evenly on the surface by hand
- 4. When the surface of the shredded potatoes is completely intact, flip over and fry both sides until golden brown
- 5. When both sides of the potato pancake are fried until golden brown, remove from the pot and serve on a plate
- 6. Put the tomato sauce into a decorative bag and squeeze out a round smiling face on the potato pancake