Corn and fresh meat buns
2024-04-08 03:23:44 95

Details of ingredients
Steps to make Corn and fresh meat buns
- 1. Wash an appropriate amount of ginger and scallions and set aside.
- 2. Put scallions and ginger into a juicer to extract the ginger juice.
- 3. Filter the squeezed onion and ginger juice for later use.
- 4. Wash and cut scallions into small pieces for later use.
- 5. Wash and peel the corn kernels.
- Wash and grind the front leg meat for later use.
- 7. Add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and chicken essence.
- 8. Add onion and ginger juice.
- 9. Stir with a chef's machine, thoroughly mix and absorb the meat filling and onion ginger juice.
- 10. Add scallions and mix well.
- 11. Add corn.
- 12. Put the mixed fresh corn meat filling into the refrigerator and refrigerate.
- 13. Pour flour into a mixing bowl.
- 14. Add fermentation powder and white sugar.
- 15. Add clean water.
- 16. Use chopsticks to stir the flour into dough.
- 17. Cook's machine and noodles take about 5 minutes.
- 18. Smooth the dough, cover it with cling film and let it ferment for about 40 minutes.
- 19. The dough ferments into a honeycomb shape, take out the air and knead until smooth.
- 20. Roll the dough into long strips.
- 21. Cut the dough evenly.
- 22. Roll out the dough thinly.
- 23. Spoon in fresh corn meat filling.
- 24. Pinch the bun tightly and tighten the opening.
- 25. The packaged bun will wake up for about 20 minutes.
- 26. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add steamed buns, steam over high heat for about 15 minutes, then open the lid after 5 minutes.
- 27. Take a bite of the juicy corn and fresh meat buns.
- 28. Visible broth to the naked eye.
- 29. Finished products.
- 30. Finished products.