Mantou planted in Poland are soft and noisy, with a faint smell of wheat, just like the embrace of childhood.
2024-04-04 14:31:52 233

Today, we make a simple Mantou with Polish method. It looks simple, soft and noisy. After taking a bite, the soft texture and faint smell of rice are like a childhood hug. Mantou can bring a full sense of happiness whether it is used with dishes or eaten alone.
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Mantou planted in Poland are soft and noisy, with a faint smell of wheat, just like the embrace of childhood.
- 1. Prepare Polish seeds one night in advance, including 50g of regular flour, 50g of clean water, and 0.5g of yeast. Stir well and refrigerate overnight. The fermentation will only be 3-4 times larger.
- 2. Mix 200g of regular flour, 20g of white sugar, 1g of salt, and 2g of yeast together.
- 3. Add fermented Polish seeds to 75 grams of warm water.
- 4. Mix with chopsticks to form a floc. Note: Different types of flour have different water absorption. If there is still obvious powder at the bottom, add a little more water and mix to form a dry powder.
- 5. Knead evenly by hand to form a ball, temporarily forming a ball does not require kneading.
- 6. Cover with a damp towel and let it relax for 30 minutes.
- 7. Take out the loose dough and knead by hand for about 5 minutes.
- 8. Knead until the dough is smooth.
- 9. Roll into large thin sheets.
- 10. Spray a layer of clean water and spread evenly.
- 11. Then roll it up tightly.
- 12. Rub it longer.
- Cut into equal pieces.
- 14. Cover with oil paper, add cold water to the pot, and ferment until 1.5 times larger.
- 15. After fermentation, turn on the heat, steam for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and simmer for 2 minutes.
- 16. After removing and cooling, seal and freeze for storage. When you want to eat, freeze it and take it out. Steam it in water for a few minutes
- 17. Poland planted Mantou and completed O
- 18. Easy to make, with a simple and unadorned appearance, soft and noisy.
- Take a bite, it has a soft texture and a faint aroma of rice.
- Whether paired with dishes or consumed alone, it can bring a full sense of happiness.