Wild Shrimp Dumplings
2024-04-04 06:35:17 245

Details of ingredients
Steps to make Wild Shrimp Dumplings
- 1. Freeze fresh pork.
- 2. Cut into small pieces.
- 3. Put it in a container.
- 4. Wash wild red crayfish, remove their shells, and then wash them again.
- 5. Put the whole shrimp in the diced meat.
- 6. Add salt.
- 7. Add chicken essence, cooking oil, and light soy sauce.
- 8. Mix well and marinate.
- 9. Pick and wash the chives thoroughly.
- 10. Cut into small pieces.
- 11. Before making dumplings, add chopped chives and stir well.
- 12. Take the dough and roll it out with a pill. This process involves using both hands to make dough, so it's not as detailed.
- 13. Wrap the dumplings well.
- 14. Cook well.
- 15. Take it out.
- 16. Finished products.