Tissue rose
2024-04-04 06:36:12 785

The most important festivals in March are Goddess's Day and White Valentine's Day. Send a handmade tissue rose as a box to hold chocolate, and the atmosphere will be filled directly! Sending a ticket circle will definitely make people envious!
Details of ingredients
Steps to make Tissue rose
- 1. Take a longer piece of tissue, fold it in half at one-third of the way, then find another corner and fold it into a triangle. Gently twist it to shape and repeat the process until it reaches the end of the tissue.
- 2. Then lay it flat and roll it up from the beginning.
- 3. Roll up the snow pear paper and stick it. Add chocolate.
- 4. Then put in tissue roses, merge and stick them together, and insert a straw at the bottom to support them.
- 5. Color the paper towel surface with eye shadow or powder blusher, and then wrap several layers of irregular snow pear paper outside.