Fried Octopus with Mushroom and Round Pepper
2024-04-04 22:30:57 119

Details of ingredients
Steps to make Fried Octopus with Mushroom and Round Pepper
- 1. Wash and knife the mushrooms.
- 2. Blanch the pot with cold water.
- 3. Cook the mushrooms and add round peppers.
- 4. The round peppers can be removed by blanching and changing color.
- 5. Set aside for later use.
- 6. Take pre cooked octopus.
- 7. Cut scallions and ginger.
- 8. Heat the oil in a hot pot and add salt to the hot oil.
- 9. Add vegetables such as scallions and ginger before adding octopus.
- 10. Quickly stir fry over high heat, and release the dough during the stir fry process.
- 11. Stir fry evenly.
- 12. Finished products.