Fried Octopus with Round Peppers
2024-04-05 17:38:05 157

Details of ingredients
Steps to make Fried Octopus with Round Peppers
- I cooked a pot of octopus and ate it for three days.
- Wash the round peppers and cut them vertically.
- 3. Take the octopus and spread its legs apart.
- 4. Cut ginger shreds.
- 5. Hot pot and cold oil.
- 6. Heat oil and add salt.
- 7. Add round pepper and fish maw over high heat and stir fry quickly.
- 8. Add shredded ginger during the stir frying process.
- 9. Release smoking.
- 10. Put in fish legs.
- 11. Heat quickly and stir fry evenly.
- 12. Add chicken essence for freshness.
- 13. Finished products.