2024-04-05 06:33:26 570

The recently popular glass jelly on the internet can be easily made at home without any need for craftsmanship, so beginners can make it together*
Details of ingredients
Steps to make 茘茘ജജജജജജജജജജജജജ\3356
- 1. Prepare the materials. Soak the butterfly tofu pudding with water first.
- 2. Boil 200ml of water, put in butterfly tofu pudding and turn off the fire.
- 3. Add white bean jelly and sugar and stir until they are completely dissolved, and the butterfly bean flower will slowly turn blue. The more butterfly tofu pudding is, the darker the color will be. You can add or subtract the number of flowers and the time of soaking in hot water according to your favorite color. When you see your favorite blue color, you can fish out the flowers.
- 4. Peel and pit the lychee, put it in a food bag, pour in jelly water, and tie it tightly (as shown in the picture). Then, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.